Category Archives: Uncategorised

The Culture Map: Book Review

Erin Meyer’s new book, “The Culture Map,” is an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand guide to how country cultural differences can cause misunderstandings, and provides many useful recommendations  to increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success in global business interactions. Meyer’s goal is to help teach global business leaders how to bridge cultural gaps, as well as how to teach […]

Your Partner Value Proposition is NOT Your Customer Value Proposition

Pretty much everyone agrees that your customer value proposition is the cornerstone of your marketing efforts.  It’s why your customers should buy your product or service – the benefits of doing so, or what you’ll lose out on if you don’t buy. To enter into and maximize partnerships, you likewise need a partner value proposition: Why should they […]

4 Key Reasons You Need a Partner Value Proposition

You want to work with great distributors and other partners to extend your market reach.  Like you, they are also looking for solutions that will directly or indirectly improve their competitive advantage. They want to hear specifically on how working with you will contribute to their success—and why you’re uniquely qualified to deliver that value. Your partner […]